Home > Ministry In Action > Education
We help local teachers in their classrooms and through seminars, teach English, sponsor children to attend school, hold women's education meetings and public health meetings, provide school supplies and more in an effort to educate Haitians for a better future.

Students at an elementary school. Pink is the color of uniforms for their grade levels.

This is a fifth grade classroom.

Their school isn't fancy, but they are SO glad to be there.

A tent school.

Our friend Michel at his graduation. His future is so bright! Here is a personal note from Michel that he shared upon his graduation:
I can't find enough words to thanks the Lord for what has done, using you, in my life.
Four years ago, I couldn't think of a better future. I didn't even know where I would go to study. Coming to Christianville was my very last option, because I didn't know how I could find money to pay the tuition. But God used you greatly, and you accepted to help me. Today, I am a graduate from Christianville College. All my friends and family are happy for me and with me. But I know that this happiness, I wouldn't have it if you weren't supporting me. So I thank you so much.
All I think, I can do is to use that privilege that you gave me, wisely. I will work hard in order to help others too. Now I undertand that when you accept God to use you, a lot of people can be saved. You saved my life. I could be anybody: Robber, Kidnapper, Racketeer, etc. But your help gives me a better future.